Chung Laung Liu
1934 - 2020
- 1934於廣州出生
- 1937因對日抗戰爆發,母親帶著他與兄弟移居澳門
- 1952為就讀大學來台,考上台南工學院電機系(成大前身)
- 1956大學畢業,錄取國立清華大學原子科學研究所。但因同時取得美國麻省理工學院提供的獎學金,選擇從軍擔任陸軍少尉預官
- 1958赴美就讀麻省理工學院研究所
- 1960取得麻省理工學院電腦碩士學位
- 1962取得麻省理工學院電腦博士學位
- 1962-1972擔任美國麻省理工學院電機工程系助理教授及副教授
- 1972-1998擔任美國伊利諾大學香檳校區資訊工程系教授
- 1995—1998擔任美國伊利諾大學香檳校區助理副校長
- 1998-2002擔任國立清華大學校長,積極向企業募款建設校園,推動學生國際交流,大幅提升清大學術聲望,備受學生愛戴
- 2000獲選為中央研究院院士
- 2003擔任集邦科技董事長
- 2005開始主持新竹IC之音「我愛談天你愛笑」廣播節目
- 2010-2020出版《20不惑:大學校長親授33堂生涯必修課》、《一次看懂自然科學》等18本書籍,擔任台揚科技、力晶科技、遠傳電信及智邦科技公司的獨立董事,亦擔任聯華電子、旺宏電子、聯亞藥業及究心公益科技公司的董事
Dr. C. L. Liu was an internationally renowned pioneer and educator in IT sciences.
He received countless awards for his outstanding contributions in numerous fields including computer-aided design and discrete mathematics.
Also, his selfless mentorship produced many distinguished talents in academia and industries. In addition to these enormous achievements, Dr. Liu was also a passionate lover of poetry, a strong advocate for humanities, and a lifelong learner.
He could quote Shakespeare when explaining AI and draw the connection between the poems of Microsoft Xiaoice and love letters of Tang Bohu. All in all, Dr. Liu epitomized the ideal of understanding the present by studying the past.
Known affectionately as “the President” among his colleagues and employees, Dr. Liu was constantly exploring and learning new things. At the same time, he was incredibly generous in sharing the knowledge that he gained during his many journeys. Besides having a keen sense of fashion, Dr. Liu also loved traveling and enjoyed good food with his family and close friends. The sound of cheerful laughter brought a lot of warmth and comfort to everyone around him.
As we mourn the passing of Dr. Liu and celebrate his remarkable life, the humor and intelligence that he provided in conversations as well as the strength of his character will always be remembered in our hearts.
- 1986Fellow, IEEE,電機電子工程師學會會士
- 1990ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Education Award
- 1992IEEE Computer Society Taylor L. Booth Education Award
- 1994IEEE 教育獎章
- 1994Fellow, ACM,美國計算機協會會士
- 1998IEEE Circuits and Systems Society 成就獎
- 1999中華民國資訊學會 資訊榮譽獎章
- 2000中央研究院院士
- 2000IEEE 千禧年獎章
- 2004澳門大學 榮譽博士學位
- 2005International Conference on VLSI Design 終生成就獎
- 2010IEEE Computer Society Taylor L. Booth Education Award
- 2010國立政治大學 名譽理學博士學位
- 2011Phil Kaufman Award
- 2012Special Commemoration, International Symposium on Physical Design
- 2013中華民國電腦學會 102年度 傑出成就獎 /電腦學會會士
- 2014澳門專業功績勳章
- 2014IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award
- 2015中國計算機學會(CCF)海外傑出貢獻獎
- 2016ACM SIGDA Pioneering成就獎
- 2017歐洲DATE 2017 Conference EDAA 成就獎